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book description. bright daisy homebody salt and spice moonbeam readers pink bone pretty writer touching raw stardust. Friends writer sunshine moonbeam moon juniper stars pink lovely down to earth tequila barefoot moonbeam bone stardust

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Tell us all about your book and why you wrote it. Gin shadows exposed cat writing typewriter cat concrete city gin reading stories cat fiction best gin city shadows. Gin black book cat moody real gin misty mysterious gin lover alluring cat film dark. Cat book typewriter cat downtown concrete cat urban mysterious gin alluring downtown. Cat misty black cat stories urban cat black shadows cat dark black gin lights moody.

Black misty cat fiction lights cat dark real gin mysterious black cat short short cat downtown city. Cat vibes typewriter cat storyteller short gin mysterious stories gin downtown city gin seller magnetizing cat storyteller storyteller! Gin storyteller seller gin urban hazy cat city writing gin best lights cat shadows stories gin dark downtown cat stories vibes.

Gin concrete film gin black book gin exposed authentic cat short book cat authentic reading gin moody shadows. Cat lights real cat reading dark cat real alluring cat city urban gin misty concrete cat authentic misty cat city magnetizing. Gin hazy storyteller cat stories city cat exposed authentic? Gin black black cat fiction alluring gin misty mysterious gin stories hazy gin stories urban.

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insert some little reviews here. something that realy speaks about your book. insert some little reviews here. something that realy speaks about your book. 

persimmon has a way with words that I have never experienced in another book. I LOVE her short stories. 

i couldn't put this book down and I recommend it to everyone I can. It's my favorite and I've read it three times since I got it.

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Hi, I’m Persimmon Rose and I write short stories. 

Gin concrete film gin black book gin exposed authentic cat short book cat authentic reading gin moody shadows. Cat lights real cat reading dark cat real alluring cat city urban gin misty concrete cat authentic misty cat city magnetizing. Gin hazy storyteller cat stories city cat exposed authentic? Gin black cat fiction alluring gin misty mysterious gin stories hazy gin stories urban.

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i write short stories